Ver la Versión Completa : Llamada a función RFC

05/10/06, 13:00:31
Alguién me podría mandar un ejemplo de una llamada a una RFC desde un excel, desde Visual Basic...???

Muchas gracias.

05/10/06, 13:14:03
Aca tienes un ejemplo de llamada a una función RFC desde una macro de Excel.

Public oR3, oConnection, oMyFunc As Object
Public oSTORE, otI_HEADER, otI_ITEMS As Object

Public Result As Boolean

Public mApplicationServer As String 'Application Server of the R/3 System.
Public mSystem As String ' SAP R/3 System name.
Public mSystemNumber As Long ' System number of the R/3 System.
Public mClient As Long ' Client in the R/3 System.
Public mLanguage As String ' Language you use want to use in the R/3 System
Public mSAPRouter As String
Public mUserId As String
Public mPassword As String

Sub Logon()
'Logon al sistema SAP R/3

Set oR3 = Nothing
Set oR3 = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")

' Cargar los parametros de conexion
Set oConnection = oR3.Connection

oConnection.ApplicationServer = "xxx.xxx.x.xxx"
oConnection.System = "DEV"
oConnection.SystemNumber = "00"
oConnection.Client = "100"
oConnection.Language = "ES"
'oConnection.SAPRouter = "/H/xxx.xxx.xx.xx/H/"
oConnection.User = "xxxxxxxx"
oConnection.Password = "xxxx"

'Set App = R3.Application
If oConnection.Logon(0, True) <> True Then
oConnection.SAPRouter = "/H/xxx.xxx.xx.xx/H/"
If oConnection.Logon(0, True) <> True Then
MsgBox "No se puedo establecer conexión SAP"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub

'Logon al sistema SAP R/3

'Set App = R3.Application
If oConnection.IsConnected = 0 Then
MsgBox "No existe conexión SAP establecida, se conectara"
End If

' Establecer contacto con la funcion.
Set oMyFunc = oR3.Add("ZFUNCION_RFC")
Set oSTORE = oMyFunc.Exports("STORE")
Set otI_HEADER = oMyFunc.Exports("I_HEADER")
Set otI_ITEMS = oMyFunc.Tables("I_ITEMS")
oSTORE.Value = "xxxx"
Call GenerarI_HEADER
Call GenerarTablaI_ITEMS

' Llamar a la funcion de SAP.
Result = oMyFunc.Call

' Analizar el resultado de la llamada.
If Result = False Then
MsgBox "Error en el llamado a la funcion RFC: ZFUNCION_RFC"
MsgBox "Funcion RFC ejecutada OK."
End If

'Clear de Objetos de parametros
Set oSTORE = Nothing
Set otI_HEADER = Nothing
Set otI_ITEMS = Nothing

End Sub