Ver la Versión Completa : user exit de VA01

27/01/09, 17:38:42
Hola amigos del foro .. me urge localizar la user exit de la transaccion VA01 la cual este hubicada al momento de hacer la determinacion de lotes ... no la encuentro por mas que la he buscado .... espero que me puedan orientar ...

saludos !!!

28/01/09, 08:13:14
Hola Josechc23,

te adjunto el codigo de un programa para obtener las userexits de un transaccion, espero que te ayude.


report zuserexit_proba no standard page heading.
tables : tstc, tadir, modsapt, modact, trdir, tfdir, enlfdir.
tables : tstct.
data : jtab like tadir occurs 0 with header line.
data : field1(30).
data : v_devclass like tadir-devclass.
parameters : p_tcode like tstc-tcode obligatory.

select single * from tstc where tcode eq p_tcode.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
select single * from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'
and object = 'PROG'
and obj_name = tstc-pgmna.
move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
select single * from trdir where name = tstc-pgmna.
if trdir-subc eq 'F'.
select single * from tfdir where pname = tstc-pgmna.
select single * from enlfdir where funcname =
select single * from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'
and object = 'FUGR'
and obj_name eq enlfdir-area.

move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
select * from tadir into table jtab
where pgmid = 'R3TR'
and object = 'SMOD'
and devclass = v_devclass.
select single * from tstct where sprsl eq sy-langu and
tcode eq p_tcode.
format color col_positive intensified off.
write:/(19) 'Transaction Code - ',
20(20) p_tcode,
45(50) tstct-ttext.
if not jtab[] is initial.
write:/(95) sy-uline.
format color col_heading intensified on.
write:/1 sy-vline,
2 'Nombre Exit',
21 sy-vline ,
22 'Descripcion',
95 sy-vline.
write:/(95) sy-uline.
loop at jtab.
select single * from modsapt
where sprsl = sy-langu and
name = jtab-obj_name.
format color col_normal intensified off.
write:/1 sy-vline,
2 jtab-obj_name hotspot on,
21 sy-vline ,
22 modsapt-modtext,
95 sy-vline.
write:/(95) sy-uline.
describe table jtab.
format color col_total intensified on.
write:/ 'Número de Exits:' , sy-tfill.
format color col_negative intensified on.
write:/(95) 'No existe ninguna user exit'.
format color col_negative intensified on.
write:/(95) 'El código de transacción no existe'.

at line-selection.
get cursor field field1.
check field1(4) eq 'JTAB'.
set parameter id 'MON' field sy-lisel+1(10).
call transaction 'SMOD' and skip first screen.

29/01/09, 20:01:24
Muchas gracias amigo ... deja probarlo haber si me puede ayudar ... de todas maneras yo te informo ...

Saludos !!