Ver la Versión Completa : Bloqueo de Cuentas de Acreedor

Consultor Oscuro
23/12/10, 18:34:12
Hola a todos.

Amigos, estoy tratando de bloquear cuentas de deudor y de acreedor para trabajar en un programa de compensaciones. ya conseguir bloquear y desbloquear las cuentas de deudor, usando las funciones:

Alguien sabe que funciones utilizar para bloquear cuentas de acreedor ???

Gracias de antemano.

06/11/20, 16:51:36

Aqui copio lo he encontrado.

If an account is used for a clearing, this account is then locked for further clearing actions or cancellation transactions. The lock refers to the entire account. It is the lock ENQUEUE_EFKNB1A (on the debit side), ENQUEUE_EFLFB1A (on the credit side) or ENQUEUE_EFSKB1A (G/L accounts). By means of this lock, it should be avoided that database inconsistencies are created. This is the standard system behavior.

For security and data safeguards, SAP will lock/unlock programs from being processed simultaneously, through an ENQUEUE process. If accounts are processed by other users at the same time, postings on these accounts will fail.

