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Viejo 12/02/19, 07:26:28
mialma mialma is offline
Junior Member
Fecha de Ingreso: mar 2008
Mensajes: 19
Algo asi

No te puede valer algo asi :


parameters DOMNAME type DOMNAME.
parameters c(80).

data l_table type dd03l occurs 0 with header line.
data l_where(80).
data l_dd02l type dd02l.
data l_tab(80).

select * into table l_table
from DD03L
where domname = domname.

loop at l_table.
select single * into l_dd02l
from DD02L
where TABNAME = l_table-TABNAME and tabclass = 'TRANSP'.

check sy-subrc = 0.
concatenate l_table-fieldname '=' c into l_where separated by space.

select single (l_table-fieldname) into l_tab
from (l_table-TABNAME)
where (l_where).

if sy-subrc <> 0.
write :/ l_table-TABNAME.
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