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Viejo 21/03/11, 17:38:46
buruburus buruburus is offline
Junior Member
Fecha de Ingreso: feb 2011
Mensajes: 11
Instalacion servidor SAP GUI

Buenas tardes !

Estoy queriendo montar un servidor para hacer instalaciones "destendidas" sobre estaciones de trabajo (XP y VISTA) . Para ello voy a utilizar la herramienta de SAP nwcreateinstserver.exe, incluida en el SAP GUI.
Siguiendo los pasos detallados en (SAP Front end installation guide) , instalo el servidor en una pc con MS XP-pro SP3. Configuro Local Security Handling , con un usuario administrador para otorgarle los permisos de instalación.
En un desktop también con MS XP-pro sp3 (sin firewall activo) ejecuto el comando para hacer el deploy , logueado con un usuario sin derechos de administrador, y el cliente SAP GUI se instala correctamente.

Intento correrlo sobre un cliente con MS Vista sp2 ( sin firewall activo ), luego de intentar instalarse , ocurre una ventana de error :
"NWSAPSETUP failed to register the installation engine and cannot continue . If running on Vista please right click and select "Run as administrator", else please report this problem to SAP".

He intentado ejecutando el comnado Run as... pero no he tenido éxito y solo me continua apareciendo el mismo mensajen de error.

Estimo que como el mismo cartel lo indica es un tema de permisos o tal vez me este faltando algún servicio activo ?¿
El "servicio remoto" se encuentra activo en cada uno de los clientes

Adjunto el log NWSAPSETUPLS.LOG :
Logfile: C:\Program Files\SAP\SapSetup\LOGs\NwSapSetupIs.log
Started logging: Mon Mar 21 09:53:12 2011
Operating system: Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 (Version 6.0 Build# 6002)
Browser version: Internet Explorer 8.00
Executing user: NETWORKADMIN (Administrator)
Workstation name: VISTA-WK
Windows directory: C:\Windows
Temp directory: C:\Users\NETWORKADMIN\AppData\Local\Temp

Commandline: '"C:\Program Files\SAP\SapSetup\Setup\IS\NwSapSetupIs.exe"'
Executable: 'C:\Program Files\SAP\SapSetup\Setup\IS\NwSapSetupIs.exe'
ProzessId: 2492
ThreadId: 5952
Physical memory (Ex): 1117 MB of 2037 MB free

System libraries information
Ie Version String: 8.0.6001.19019
atl.dll: 3.5.2284.2
comctl32.dll: 5.82.6002.18305
mfc42.dll: 6.6.8063.0
msvcrt.dll: 7.0.6002.18005
oleaut32.dll: 6.0.6002.18005
shell32.dll: 6.0.6002.18393
shlwapi.dll: 6.0.6002.18393

SAP Setup libraries information
NwSapSetupEngine.dll: n/a
NwSapFeiKr.dll: n/a
NwSapFeiSh.dll: n/a

09:53:15 NwSapFeiIs 1 Check if SapSetupI is still waiting ...(Global\IS_NW_SAPSETUP_Sync_Event237811761)
09:53:17 NwSapFeiIs 1 Allow execution of untrusted binaries
09:53:17 NwSapFeiIs 1 Target process will run on desktop 'WinSta0\Default'
09:53:17 NwSapFeiIs 1 Target application and commandline: '"\\\SAP_GUI\setup\NwSapSetup.exe" /Silent /Product="SAP GUI 720" /elevated /_upid=4920 /desktop=Default /winsta=WinSta0'
09:53:17 NwSapFeiIs 1 Startup directory '\\\SAP_GUI\setup\'
09:53:17 NwSapFeiIs 1 Target application and commandline: '"\SAPGUISRV\SAP_GUI\setup\NwSapSetup.exe" /Silent /Product="SAP GUI 720"/elevated /_upid=4920 /desktop=Default /winsta=WinSta0'
09:53:17 NwSapFeiIs 1 Startup directory '\\SAPGUISRV\SAP_GUI\setup\'
09:53:17 NwSapFeiIs 2 Environment:
user process ID 0x1338 (4920),
client session ID 0x2 (2),
service process ID 0x9bc (2492),
server session ID 0x0 (0)
09:53:18 NwSapFeiIs 1 Successfully created target process
09:53:18 NwSapFeiIs 2 Installer Service exit code 0x0 (0)

Logfile: C:\Program Files\SAP\SapSetup\LOGs\NwSapSetup.log
Started logging: Mon Mar 21 09:53:18 2011
Operating system: Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 (Version 6.0 Build# 6002)
Browser version: Internet Explorer 8.00
Executing user: NETWORKADMIN (Administrator)
Workstation name: VISTA-WK
Windows directory: C:\Windows
Temp directory: C:\Users\NETWORKADMIN\AppData\Local\Temp

Commandline: '"\\\SAP_GUI\setup\NwSapSetup.exe" /Silent /Product="SAP GUI 720" /elevated

/desktop=Default /winsta=WinSta0'
Executable: '\\\SAP_GUI\setup\NwSapSetup.exe'
ProzessId: 4128
ThreadId: 4252
Physical memory (Ex): 1119 MB of 2037 MB free

System libraries information
Ie Version String: 8.0.6001.19019
atl.dll: 3.5.2284.2
comctl32.dll: 5.82.6002.18305
mfc42.dll: 6.6.8063.0
msvcrt.dll: 7.0.6002.18005
oleaut32.dll: 6.0.6002.18005
shell32.dll: 6.0.6002.18393
shlwapi.dll: 6.0.6002.18393

SAP Setup libraries information
09:53:18 NwSapSetup 1 Local security : second process(admin) is alive
09:53:18 NwSapFeiKr 2 SAP Frontend Installation Kernel initialized
(Unicode Release build)
09:53:19 NwSapSetUI 1 SapSetup UI Library Loaded
09:53:19 NwSapsEngn 1 SapSetup Workstation Engine Library Loaded
09:53:20 NwSapsAtlC 1 SapSetup ATL Common Library Loaded
09:53:20 NwSapSetup 1 Wait on registration Threads returned 0
09:53:20 NwSapSetup 1E SapSetup failed in the registration of \\\SAP_GUI\setup\NwSapFeiKr.Dll
09:53:20 NwSapSetup 1E SapSetup failed in the registration of \\\SAP_GUI\setup\NwSapFeiSh.Dll
09:53:20 NwSapSetup 1E SapSetup failed in the registration of \\\SAP_GUI\setup\NwSapSetupAtlCommon.Dll
09:53:20 NwSapSetup 1E SapSetup failed in the registration of \\\SAP_GUI\setup\NwSapSetupUi.Dll
09:53:20 NwSapSetup 1E SapSetup failed in the registration of \\\SAP_GUI\setup\NwSapSetupEngine.Dll
09:53:20 NwSapSetup 1 Registration Activity took 1.662661 seconds

Muchas gracias por su tiempo , saludos !
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